mandag 3. august 2015

Bruce Lee biography

Bruce Lee (November 27, 1940, 20 July 1973), a famous Chinese martial artist and actor and founder of the Jeet Kune Do is style.

Bruce Lee's birth
On 27 November 1940, Bruce "John van 'Lee in the Year of the Dragon (between 6 am and 8 am) was born in San Francisco.
Start Bruce Lee and his entrance into martial arts
Bruce Lee at the age of 13 and to reduce the personal insecurity in Hong Kong under the supervision of the late "Yip Man" began teaching Wing Chun Kung Fu life.

Login Bruce Lee to America
Bruce Lee at age 18 to pursue a ship into the United States of America with just $ 100 and enrolled in Edison Technical School.

Teaching kung fu to non-Chinese
Bruce Lee at the beginning of his arrival in America and forced to pay for his studies, he worked at the restaurant but not because he felt it in their abandoned and decided to teach and tremendously popular with the kung-fu was friends.
But after a while it was met with opposition from Chinese living in America and they've asked him to teach foreigners to be determined, but Bruce Lee in his decision to shut down his club skilled fighter named "Jack Van Man" to fight Bruce Lee was sent by Wang quickly defeated in the battle and lost his front teeth.

After the success of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong Bruce Lee came back to Hollywood and Warner Brothers asked him in the movie "Enter the Dragon" to play a role in why Bruce Lee's "Game of Death" abandoned and in "Enter the Dragon "He was the first global film starred.
Confused tragic death of Bruce Lee and millions of people around the world
Bruce Lee on July 20, 1973 with the sudden and suspicious death in Hong Kong was off. Cause of death still remains in some doubt, but the most common theory of brain hemorrhage caused by prescription drugs and sensitivity is high.
Candle is extinguished
Bruce Lee died 34 years after his death, is still alive in the hearts of millions of people and popularity grows day by day.

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